In the wake of the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 tons of websites and new agencies asking if you remember where you were on that Tuesday that changed to world. I do remember where I was and the events of that day like it was yesterday. It is something that still affects me today. I can't listen to certain songs or see certain images.
But it seems to me that we have started to forget the details of that day and just how it affected the country as a whole. Will we still be talking about this day in 10 more years? Or will it just become another ones of those days that only certain people celebrate? Will the history books talk about why it happened or just give way to popular opinion? We as a nation have to remember those that lost their lives that day and remember all those that have fallen protecting our country. We have Veterans Day to remember the fallen soldiers, but is one day really enough? They put their lives on the line each and every day to defend my right to post this blog and your right to read it. They even defend your right to like or hate it.
Every time you start your car, go to the store, go to the job you picked, and every time you do anything that you do by choice, think of the people that have defended your rights to do so. From the Revolutionary War to those still fighting today. These men and women are providing you something that only few countries know and that is Freedom. As an American I don't always have to agree with the things that are done here, but I also know I have the right to question it or to change it. I vote for presidents, senators, mayor and council members. I have the right to know what Congress is doing, how they are voting and what they are not doing. I Love this country and would not want to be anywhere else in this world. So when asked do I remember where I was on 9/11 you are damn right I can tell the story.
If you have a story or a comment about where you were or even just a comment that you would like to put out there I will gladly post it. And I won't block ones that I don't agree with. But take the time in the next day or two to thank a soldier or right a thank you Facebook to let those people know that you are a proud American. And even if you are not from the USA, I welcome your comments.